So after quite a while of free for all eating – mainly due to a month of work travel and a month of work stress (consecutively) – I can tell that I’ve redeveloped my sweet tooth. Yes, my eating habits have slipped, so it’s time to reign it all back in again. This last week was especially stressful, so I’m extra mindful of how that affects me.
I pulled out my various paleo cookbooks yesterday and pulled mostly from Practical Paleo to create this week’s menu plan. (I’ll make a note of which cookbooks the recipes are from, and if there’s a place to get the recipe online, I’ll put that too. Full disclosure, book links are affiliate links.)
Practical Paleo is one of my newer cookbooks, and I haven’t made anything from it yet. I am loosely using the “Squeaky Clean Paleo” menu plan and definitely appreciate the lifestyle recommendations, namely managing stress to keep inflammation low and making sure to get 8 hours of sleep each night. I’ll be focusing on those two to start with. The stress management part will be met by the yoga practice I’m already doing twice a week, and I’ll be taking my lunch each day so that I can take a short walk at lunch time as well. For sleep? I’m going to enforce my bedtime of 10:30, which means that I need to start getting ready for bed about 10pm.
Also new this week, I’m planning out all three meals so that I don’t leave anything to chance. I can redirect our eating out so I can find something that fits what I should be eating, so weekends shouldn’t be a problem.
This week’s menu plan:
Breakfast: N’Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon (
Lunch: leftover tri-tip
Dinner: Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs, Green Salad, Balsamic Vinaigrette (Practical Paleo)
Breakfast: N’Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon (
Lunch: leftover Mustard Glazed Chicken Thighs, Green Salad, Balsamic Vinaigrette
Dinner: Weeknight Pot Roast (
Breakfast: Swirly Crustless Quiche (Practical Paleo/
Lunch: leftover Pot Roast
Dinner: Pan Fried Pork Chops, Squash (The Art of Simple Food, Alice Waters)
Breakfast: Swirly Crustless Quiche (Practical Paleo/
Lunch: leftover Pan Fried Pork Chops, Squash (The Art of Simple Food, Alice Waters)
Dinner: Beef Tacos (Against All Grain: Meals Made Simple)
Breakfast: Swirly Crustless Quiche (Practical Paleo/
Lunch: leftover Beef Tacos (Against All Grain: Meals Made Simple)
Dinner: leftovers or out
Out or leftovers
Brunch: Out
Dinner: Easy Greek Chicken, Green Salad, Balsamic Vinaigrette